Yoni Egg Initiation




  • Do you want to connect to the sacred power of your pussy, vagina, yoni?

    Do you long to feel more embodied, more sensual, more open and in flow?

    Are you ready to release stagnant energy and make way for more feeling, more aliveness and more pleasure?

    … If you answered yes, then the Yoni Egg is for you!

The Yoni Egg is an ancient practice said to have originated from Chinese Taoist traditions. Taoism teaches the importance of sexual energy as our vitality and the Yoni Egg has been used for years to awaken life force energy stored in the vagina to bring about deeper spiritual connection and prolong the length and quality of life.

The Yoni Egg, when practiced intentionally, safely and with care, can have powerful benefits of re-connecting you to your body, awakening your life force energy, enhancing natural lubrication in the vagina and increasing sensitivity and pleasure. 

Working with the Egg is a deeply sacred and spiritual ritual that can support you in coming home to your true feminine essence. 

The Yoni Egg Initiation is designed to provide you with all you need to get started with your own Yoni Egg practice. Perhaps you already have an Egg but haven’t quite got in to the habit of using it, or maybe this is the call for you to invest in one to start your journey.


Upon booking you will receive instructions to sign up to the Yoni Egg Initiation MemberSpace giving you lifetime access to the course which includes the following: 

  • Electronic Workbook with additional information and journal prompts to support and guide your journey

  • 6 x Recorded Videos; Introduction, Opening Ceremony, 3 x Guided Practices, Closing Ceremony

The Yoni Egg Initiation is designed to take you on a deeply intimate, expansive and feminine awakening journey with the precious Yoni Egg as your guide!

What this course includes:

  • Understanding the Yoni Egg, it’s origins, essence and uses.

  • The benefits of using a Yoni Egg.

  • Dispelling myths and guidance around safety when using your Yoni Egg.

  • How to clean, cleanse and care for your Yoni Egg.

  • Exercises & guided practice to use with your Yoni Egg.

  • A workbook with daily reflective journal prompts to deepen your practice.

  • "The 5 Day Yoni Egg Initiation was a wonderful, intimate and safe journey out of the mind and into our body. The explorations we did as single women held by the group was extremely powerful”

    Yoni Egg Initiation Participant

Benefits of a regular Yoni Egg Practice

- A deeper connection to your body and pussy.

- Understanding of your body’s inner wisdom and consent/boundary signals.

- Increased natural lubrication AKA juicy pussy.

- Enhanced experiences of orgasm, pleasure and sensation.

- Strengthen your pelvic floor which serves to intensify sensation and help with issues such as incontinence.

- Connection to the esoteric power of your puss as a source of spiritual connection and guidance!

- Awaken sexual & life force energy in the pelvis.

- Re-connect to your feminine energy in a grounded and embodied way.

  • "I have known for a while that connecting to my yoni would be key in my healing of my body, emotions and spirit but she has been so shut down. To be held in safe container by someone I trust was the permission my yoni needed to wake up from her slumber."


CONTRAINDICATIONS: Yoni Egg Practice is not advised for those who are pregnant or attempting to get pregnant. If you have any medical conditions or issues that you feel may affect your taking part in the course, please reach out so we can discuss this. 

If you need any technical support in accessing the course please do not hesitate to email Templeofthefeminine@gmail.com and we will aim to respond within 48 hours.